National Safety Month 2023 Week 4: Hazard Recognition

National Safety Month, recognized in June each year, gives an opportunity to highlight safety as a priority in the workplace, at home and in the community. In the final week of National Safety Month, Wisconsin Safety Council and National Safety Council are focusing on hazard recognition.

Recognizing hazards is a fundamental step towards preventing accidents and ensuring the well-being of employees and others around us. It involves actively identifying and assessing potential dangers or risks in our surroundings. Hazards can exist in various settings: workplaces of all kinds, homes, public spaces and roadways. By training ourselves to recognize hazards, we can take proactive measures to mitigate risks and prevent accidents before they occur.

  • Be Observant: Develop a habit of being observant and attentive to your surroundings. Pay close attention to your environment, looking for any conditions or situations that may pose a risk. Avoid distractions and maintain focus.
  • Know Common Hazards: Familiarize yourself with common hazards associated with your environment or industry. This includes physical hazards such as slippery surfaces, uneven flooring or exposed wiring, as well as chemical hazards, ergonomic risks and potential for falls from heights. Understanding these hazards allows you to be better prepared and proactive in mitigating risks.
  • Involve Others: Encourage a culture of safety by involving others (who may notice different hazards than you). Establish open lines of communication where individuals feel comfortable reporting potential risks.
  • Regular Inspections and Safety Audits: Conduct regular inspections of your surroundings to identify potential hazards. This includes examining equipment, tools, machinery, walkways and storage areas for any signs of wear, damage or poor maintenance. Utilize tools such as checklists, safety audits or hazard identification forms to systematically assess your environment for potential risks. Promptly address and rectify any hazards found during inspections.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with safety regulations, guidelines and best practices relevant to your environment or industry. Attend training sessions, seminars or workshops that provide insights into hazard recognition and risk mitigation techniques. Stay connected with safety professionals or organizations that can provide valuable resources and guidance.

Hazard recognition is an ongoing process. Adopt a mindset of continuous improvement and constant vigilance so you can create a safer environment.

Wisconsin Safety Council’s Job Safety Analysis course (July 18) and Safety Inspections course (July 26) both address how to recognize and mitigate hazards. Click here to learn more.

Wisconsin Safety Council